Experience with Hoofcount

Trusted opinions from
the people that count.

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Experience in hoof health

“We have virtually eliminated digital dermatitis after installing an automatic footbath supplied by @hoofcount1 it puts chemicals in automatically so no need to handle the horrible stuff!”

Richard Roberts , Flintshire– @farmersoftheUK

 “We installed the Hoofcount bath about a month ago, and we’ve noticed an improvement in hoof health and so has our Hoof trimmer. He’s noticed less problems and a lot healthier hoofs .”


You can count on our customers


knowledge in hoof health

Lameness – University of Wisconsin

Footbath – University of Wisconsin

Footbathing is an essential part of digital dermatitis control but it is often not carried out effectively. Its role is not only to prevent new infections but also the recurrence of dormant lesions. Any break in footbathing can allow DD a chance to flare up again , however it is often the first task to fall by the wayside under time pressure. The Hoofcount Excel bath takes all of the hassle out of footbathing due to the automatic emptying and refilling system, whilst the extra long design of the bath is crucial to ensure that each foot receives sufficient numbers of ‘dunks’ in the solution. With footbathing such a key component of DD control, the Hoofcount Excel provides a reliable and effective option.

Sara Pedersen, Veterinary Specialist in Cattle Health and Production

You can count on the experts


Support for hoofcount

Customer Testimonials

“We always aimed to setup the footbath every Monday but it often didn’t happen. Now the hoofcount is set on automatic the foot bathing takes care of itself and it is a part of the cows daily routine. With the hoofcount footbath we are getting on top of the lameness issues in the herd.”
Jim Parkinson, Preston (180 cows)
“Putting too many cows through the same solution meant the footbath was less effective for the cows that needed it the most. With the hoofcount set to change the solution every 150 cows and using formalin every day we have completely eliminated digital dermatitis.”

Tom Dodgson, Skipton (420 cows)
“We installed a 3 metre long hoofcount footbath in the exit race from the parlour, within 6 months we have seen a massive decrease in the number of lameness issues in the herd. Our Digital dermatitis has disappeared which before hoofcount was having a big impact on our herd.”

Dan Webster (Oakley Farming) Shrewsbury

British Farming Awards 2021

Hoofcount Director and Dairy Engineer, Anthony Marsh,  has been shortlisted for the British Farming Awards 2021, Agri Innovator of the year. We are overjoyed that he was nominated for this category and look forward to celebrating at the finalists event along with some...

Biba’s finalists in two categories

Hoofcount were nominated for not one but two awards at the BIBAS 2021. After everything that had happened over the previous 18 months it felt so great to have been nominated and to be enjoy a well earned celebration with the amazing team at Hoofcount. Hoofcount were...


HOOFCOUNT have introduced a useful and handy tool which not only assists farmers but also reduces the amount of waste steel produced in their manufacturing workshop. Folded and cut from the off cuts of the footbath build process, the drum opener is made from 3mm...

Dairy Farmer July 2021

Taking a whole herd approach to preventing lameness. Read pg. 26 and 28

2021 so far…

Team Hoofcount have had a great start to 2021 with lots of footbaths shipped abroad but also fitted in the UK. Check out all the baths fitted this year in the UK 

Tom Pemberton – “Hoofcount… The Rolls Royce of footbaths”

Catch up with our recent install for You tuber and full time farmer Tom Pemberton on You tube.

Servicing and Warranty

We recommend that your Hoofcount Footbaths get serviced every 12 months. This service will include; changing the door seal and chemical pump tubes as well as topping up the air line oil. If this is kept on top of, there is very little else that could go wrong or would...

Our alternative to Formaldehyde

Here at Hoofcount we have listened to our customers and we have heard your thoughts on footbath chemical. Our Research and development team have been busy researching the best alternative to formaldehyde. Although formaldehyde isn't nice to handle or use, it is known...

Miss Hoofcount

Our lovely 'Miss Hoofcount' has been keeping an eye on all Moooovements in our yard!Whilst show season is on hold this year, so is Miss Hoofcount's trips out. So instead she is taking pride of place at Hoofcount HQ keeping an eye on everyone and making sure all...

Footbath Health Check

During uncertain days and restrictions on movements, you can count on us to be here for you. Our manufacturing workshops and office are open to provide help with enquiries and support to you. Call: (01995) 603028 Footbath Health Check: If your footbath has not had a...





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